Monday, June 16, 2008

Chat Full O'Dummies...

The editors over at Sonners' Book Club have hand-picked these special classics for all you chat 'scrap to read over the summer:

Chat 'scrap, before you ask stupid questions, may we recommend a very useful search engine: Google. You will be surprised as to how much you may actually learn (yes, that thing that rattles around within the confines of your skull does serve a purpose). This particular edition was edited by NHL:1's very own briereyote!

We recommend this for NHL:1's eternal virgins: citygirl0117; not2nice_31; dakilangmanok; forever_frantic; alexovechkin - just to name a few. This may prove to be useful in the unlikely event you meet a man/woman who wants to sperm you. Maybe you'd have better luck getting spermed after reading Rohypnol For Dummies? Just a thought.

Chat 'scrap, we know you will be especially excited about this selection! =)) This goes out to all those finding love online: talker_a_talker; not2nice_31; forsy_girl; flyers60; citygirl0117; wildbp; sherry_berry27; sharks1419; ari_freaking_gold; jerzzzey; mary_christine21; aka_rockin_canadian_girl; etc. Chapter 11: Make Sure S/He's Not Married or Attached is particularly recommended for forsy_girl, sherry_berry27, and nashvillepredsfan.

This particular selection is for all those wannabe bloggers and sonners out there. Pretend_a_pushey_wanted_in_nhl1 and thesonnedofourlives, please read this book before you attempt to write a blog again - maybe people will actually read your crap. l-) =)) You know you make a terrible fake sonner when even the likes of chat 'scrap, such as berrybusygirl, can spot you as a fake. l-)

This comes highly recommended for all of those chat 'scrap who are currently married but still lurking in chat and trolling for Yahoo! cock and/or pushey: cudaguy; lotusblossom604; vicesandhabits; sherry_berry27; northerncutie08; berrybusygirl; etc.

Lotusblossom604, here's one especially for you. May we recommend Chapter 8 - Don't Tell People You've Photoshopped Your Ugly Mug and Put it Next To Your Actual Photo, and Chapter 9 - Delete Messages From Family Members Saying, "Wow, totally photoshopped, but you still look good!" =)) =)) =)) =))

These three go out to oz_santwyck. Here's to hoping you can gain a job, hacking skills and possibly become a good parent...or at least one of the above...who am I kidding? =)) =))